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“Tech for good” in Alibaba: Engineers volunteer to build a vaccine safety check system

Alibaba, which is unlike other Internet companies in China, aims at constantly doing something that is valuable to the world as its most important goal for 20 years.

With more than 40,000 engineers, Alibaba is one of the world's largest technology companies with the largest number of engineers. In addition to working hard, the crew is also good at using their spare time to do many public welfare projects.It is a tradition of Alibaba's public welfare culture to select outstanding employee’s public welfare projects and publish a public welfare list. In the past year, Ali employees have used technology and professional capabilities to create a variety of public welfare projects in order to help promote and improve environmental protection, health, information security, home care and other aspects of social life, which has formed a unique Ali employee public welfare phenomenon.

In the July of 2018, the Changchun Changsheng vaccine incident triggered public panic about the effectiveness and safety of vaccines. AliHealth traceability system platform, which is the largest Internet drug data platform that can trace back to the source, manufacturer, and circulation channels of each batch of drugs, firstly marked and prompted all batches of the vaccines in the incident.Behind the service is a spontaneous temporary gathering of members that consists of staff from various departments, which had nothing to do with the projects, KPI and profits.

On September 10, 2015, Ma Yun issued an initiative of “three hours of public services every year” to all employees in Ali. Since then, the “three-hour public services” has become a unique public welfare culture of Alibaba. In the past 2018 only, Alibaba employees have accumulated nearly 270,000 hours of public services.


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Images Source: Alibaba Health, Visual China Group


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